what is reiki?

Imagine yourself like a tree. Your roots deeply planted in the earth, receiving supportive energy, while your body reaches toward the sky to receive the nutritive light from the sun. Just like trees, you too need earth and sky energy. This is, essentially, Reiki.

Reiki was originated by Dr. Mikao Usui in Japan at the turn of the 20th century and is a variation of the cross-cultural practice of hands-on-healing. Reiki translates to Soul Energy. A reiki treatment focuses on bringing revitalizing soul energy into your body, mind, and heart.

Based on studies from Harvard and Northwestern, science is proving that the universe, and all inhabitants, are comprised of bio-photons- or living light. During treatment, these bio-photons, also known as universal life force energy, flow into your personal energy field bringing you into a very relaxed state that is conducive for physical repair and mental/emotional healing.

Humans mostly operate in a beta brainwave frequency, and this over-active mental state accumulates stress. When our body is continually in stress, we start to experience dis-ease, and if we live this way long enough, actual physical disease can manifest in the body.

When the brain is in theta frequency, the body self-regulates levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, thereby reducing inflammation and strengthening the immune system. We get better sleep. We feel at peace. We feel happy. This physiological state allows your systems to self-regulate and re-calibrate, and in this level of awareness you can explore what needs healing anywhere in your entire being to bring mental, emotional, physical, and/or spiritual transformation.

Energy healing is a safe, non-invasive treatment for children, adults, elderly, and animals. Sessions clear, cleanse, balance, and harmonize your energies, overall alleviating dis-ease.

what can i expect?

In-person sessions are performed fully clothed, either sitting in a chair or lying down. I hover my hands over your body, or, during remote healing I concentrate my mind on specific energy centers, organs, or systems within your body and whole being. You may experience a change in body temperature, tingling and buzzing, color visuals, and/or sensations of rocking, floating, or soft and comforting pressure moving through your internal body. For many, old memories resurface, and the treatment sessions give you the opportunity to process your emotions in a heighthened state of awareness. Your experience may change from session to session, and I recommend keeping an open heart and mind during every treatment.

Distance Healing, or remote healing, is as powerful as in person sessions. Everything is energy, and all energy is information. Having stated so, energy does not adhere to the space and time laws of physics. Imagine invisible wires creating a grid through space and time as we know it. We can send information through these invisible wires- instantly.

What is consistent between all sessions is that you will feel deeply relaxed, and feel deeply rested. A one hour session can feel like 4 hours of rejuvinating sleep. This type of relaxation is instrumental in stress reduction and stress management. When you lower cortisol in the body, you calm your adrenal system, reduce inflammation, and boost your immune system.

Overall, reiki is a wonderful pathway for self-maintenance, self-awareness, self-improvement, integration, and spriritual growth.

what are the side effects of reiki?

Deep emotional healing, amplified awareness of inter connectivity, self trust, joy, inner peace, and clarity. Reiki can cause no harm, however, the journey toward integration can bring up old memories, and unexpected swells of emotion. Showing up to this kind of work ( often called shadow work) takes courage, and facing your shadows takes effort… But the reward of self-understanding and personal growth is immeasurable. Our work together will always support what is good, true, and most beneficial for you.

For some, energy moved and released from the body may have phsyical side effects like drowsiness, ithciness, tiredness, sadness, temprorary experiences that provide evidence that the body is releasing and resetting. I recommend arriving to sessions hydrated, and to continue hydrating after sessions to help your systems eliminate waste.

Most often, clients commonly report feeling rested. A 45 minute reiki session can feel like 4 hours of sleep. Clients report feeling as if a weight has been removed from their shoulders. Many feel a boost in confidence, comforted by their self-acceptance, and buoyed by their self-love.

how often should i receive treatments?

Each person’s healing journey is unique. I believe your comfort level and your higher mind determine the pace that is best for you to receive the space you need to process, release, and integrate your mental and emotional upgrade. However, below are some recommendations:

  • ONCE: You're curious! You are on your pathway to discovering your favorite method for self-care, soul noursihment, and spiritual and personal growth.
  • MONTHLY or QUARTERLY: This is basic energetic hygiene. Just think. You brush your teeth daily, and you shower body regularly too. Your energy body deserves the same. Release toxic energy collected from your external environment- from family dynamic, work, or the world. This is an investment in your well being and health.
  • TWICE A MONTH: For mental and emotional support, I recommend scheduling twice a month. Many of my clients find their way to me after years of therapy. Talk therapy is indispensable and a genuinely valuable part of healing. Many of my clients report people that they are searching for deeper understanding, and deeper healing. I believe this healing can only come from one's higher awareness, or soul. Reiki is a gateway to such healing. You have the answers within you.
  • WEEKLY: Reiki is considered a Complimentary Alternative Medicine (CAM) and is often administered in tandem with other western care treatments for its documented ability to improve the efficacy of pharmaceuticals and phyiscal recovery. For those who are healing from severe trauma, or from physical injury/disease, I recommend once a week, or daily depending on your needs.

Your initial consultation and session will help us determine the course that is for your highest good. Commit to your course of self-care.

If you are looking to reset your mental and/or emotional patterns, I highly recommend my quartz shape shifting package that includes 4 sessions that will repair growth mindset and recenter your being.

Book any of these options by clicking on this link. Thank you! Discount packages and sliding scale are available, DM for details. I do not diagnose,cure, or replace your general practitioner’s care.


Be gentle with yourself. Sessions can bring deep emotional release and just like any other time we experience change, it's nice to give ourselves space to adjust. Plan to sleep deeper the evening after a session. Sometimes, when deep trauma is being released, there can be an acute, and short, experience of grief as your entire being up-levels its vibration to greater security, self-acceptance, and inner peace.